The DDRS (Data Deposit Recommendation Service) is an outcome of the Humanities at Scale project Work Package 7.
This section describes the technical implementation of the DDRS within the HaS project. One has to differentiate between an ideal concept of the service and the current possible implementation within the project. The latter one has to consider the available resources, the time horizon and the institutional context, e.g. current developments within DARIAH.
As a reminder: the DDRS initially helps the user to identify suitable research data repositories for the individual case depending on only a few criteria, like formats of the research data, language or affiliation or certain indispensable functions. The result of this step will likely be a ranked list of repositories which can be used by the user as it is. The questions leading to the result list are not mandatory but the result gains quality by answering more questions. After displaying the result list the user can decide to enter the second functionality layer of the DDRS, which is about the structured description of the individual research data. Aim of this step is to gain, as easy and convenient as possible, a structured and coherent data description which serves as basis for initiating the ingest process with the repository. At this stage, the DDRS serves only as communication handler on behalf of the user, pointing his or her ingest request to the appropriate contact person.
The figure below provides an overview of the infrastructure that will be set up within the project. The result is a functional demonstrator, flexible to be developed further on or to be enhanced with additional functionalities. This result serves as proof-of-concept for the idea and will highlight the community’s demand for such a service.
As basic infrastructure for this stage of the DDRS a virtual machine and a domain are sufficient. The VM consists of all necessary applications and will initially be accessible over an IP. At a later stage a conventional URL will be used, likely, and with this blend into the already existing DARIAH infrastructure and services. Nevertheless it is yet to be decided how the specific appearance and branding of the service will look like. It is clear that it is embedded within the DARIAH context, in particular with regard to sustainability, but it seems also preferable to keep the DDRS as “open” as possible. This openness in a sense of an unobtrusive DARIAH branding seems reasonable as the service uses external service providers - such as re3data - and wants to address humanities researchers and the humanities interested audience in a broader way.
The above standing DDRS Infrastructure Model illustrates the basic infrastructure layer and several components facilitating the use of the DDRS functionalities for the user. The following components are part of this infrastructure: