List of default options already set up when launching the service
Those are included in the database as default, all the information can be modified within the administrator part of
the DDRS. The admin part of the tool can be reached at /ddrs/admin/
and log in with user admin
and the
password provided at the installation time, see installation manual.
Questions (including the elastic search field names)
- Country:
- Subjects: subjects.text.raw
- Repository Languages: repositoryLanguages.text.raw
- Keywords: keywords.text.raw
Default repositories for all countries
- r3d100010468
- r3d100011394
- r3d100010066
Countries (including default repositories)
- Austria
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Denmark: r3d100010486
- Estonia
- European Union
- Finland
- France: r3d100010151, r3d100012102
- Germany: r3d100011345
- Greece
- Hungary
- Iceland
- Ireland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Montenegro
- Netherlands: r3d100010214
- Norway: r3d100010493
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Serbia
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden: r3d100010146
- Switzerland: r3d100012374
- Turkey
- United Kingdom: r3d100010215
Repository Languages (including their elastic search values)
- French: fra
- German: deu
- English: eng
- Finnish: fin
- Croatian: hrv
Keywords (including their elastic search values)
- Corpora: corpora
- History: history
- Linguistics: linguistics
- Multidisciplinary: multidisciplinary
- Music: music
First level subjects (including their elastic search values)
- Ancient Cultures: 101 Ancient Cultures
- History: 102 History
- Fine Arts, Music, Theatre and Media Studies: 103 Fine Arts, Music, Theatre and Media Studies
- Linguistics: 104 Linguistics
- Literary Studies: 105 Literary Studies
- Non-European Languages and Cultures, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Jewish Studies and Religious Studies: 106 Non-European Languages and Cultures, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Jewish Studies and Religious Studies
- Theology: 107 Theology
- Philosophy: 108 Philosophy
- Other: OTHER (This one does not belong to, it is used to retrieve a non-result)
- r3d100010832: